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Colour Wheel

Art Questions
How do you mix a tertiary colour?
To mix tertiary colours you have to mix secondary and primary colours.
How do you get a neutral colour?
To get neutral colours you should mix three primary colours together.
How do you mix a shade of brown?
To get brown you need to mix complementary colours together
How does colour affect the viewer's reaction to Picasso’s “Celestina” blue tones and Kiki Smiths
“Virgin Mary” red tones?
In Picasso’s painting “Celestina” the colour scheme makes me feel sad and is depressing. everything is shades of blue and grey. It is oppressive and heavy. Kiki Smith’s  “Virgin Mary” makes me feel more energetic and warm - they are the colours of the human body.
How does the colour in the two works of art play a role in the reaction of the viewer?
I think Picasso wanted people who viewed his painting to maybe think of the backstory of this
woman and maybe think that she is a bit more bitter than the Virgin Mary. I think Kiki Smith
wanted us to feel inspired to do something and feel happier. She also wanted us to see that the female body is real and imperfect.
How might other people's associations affect their interpretation of this
A lot of the time when people share their ideas about art it affects the way we think about that
piece. It makes us notice things that we hadn't seen before. When people share their ideas it
may make us look at things maybe in a more positive, negative, happier, or more sad light.
Looking at your colour wheel what are 3 parts you are proud of and if there were more time 3
parts you wish you could rework
The three parts of the colour wheel I am most proud of my blue violet section, the shape of my
bubble letters, and it done on time. If I had more time I would want to make more of my
colours look less watery, I would colour in my bubble letters.

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